Which do you GENERALLY prefer: books or movies?

Monday, April 11, 2011

Take a Deep Breath...Here We Gooooo!

With all of the things that float, fly, and take up residence in my head, I suppose it is time that I jump on the bandwagon and create my own blog. Not being the bandwagon type of person, I have heretofore resisted undertaking this endeavor. Sigh. I caved.

So, with what you may ask, might I be filling your head, or ears, or more likely eyes? Nothing, if you choose to stop now. However, I may include whatever I wish here, since it is MY blog.

The plan is to have one place where I may post book reviews (tipping my hat to my friend/co-worker Blake Petit. I will direct you to his book soon), post things that I have been making and/or thinking of making, asking your opinion of things, post Scriptures, and general ramblings that are starting to leak out of my head. I promise, I have been trying for quite a long time to keep the rambling inside my head. My resolve is weakening, hence the new blog.

That is the plan. We all know that the best laid plans of mice and men...well, you know. This creation may take its own direction after a while. Who know? But I had to start somewhere.

I hope that you enjoy it. And perhaps, just perhaps, you may find something useful here.

Until next time... :)